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Total Records: 14 - Group: BBB / Category: FINANCIAL COMPANIES / Subcategory: AUCTION HOUSES
Record Name
1Bailey's Auction House IRON FIST 2017 TV SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Bailey's Auction House
Auction house where Ward goes looking for Joy when she bids on the Tibetan singing bowl for Davos.

2Blackwood'sHELLBOY II: THE GOLDEN ARMY 2008 FilmFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Auction house in Manhattan where Prince Nuada steals a piece of the Royal Crown of Bethmoora, needed to control the Golden Army.

3Calderwood Auction House LUKE CAGE 2016 TV SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Calderwood Auction House
Auction house where Mariah calls a meeting with her criminal associates.

4Colby-Adams 12 MONKEYS 2015 TV SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Also referred to as the Colby-Adams Metropolitan Auction House, where Cole, Cassie, Jennifer and Deacon travel back in time to 1989 in order to sneak a peek at the Witness' manifesto, which is hidden in the frame of an antique painting called Constance.

5Gavelby's Auction House THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Gavelby's Auction House
When Comic Book Guy gets Bart hooked on coin collecting, both Homer and Mr. Burns bid on a rare penny known as the "Inverted Double Struck Penny", or the "Kissing Lincolns", minted in December 1917.

6NYAA PERSON OF INTEREST 2011 TV SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Machine number and certified hypnotherapist Hayden Price's con involves tricking his patient and HR money launderer Sven Vanger of Vanger Antiques, also known as The Swede, into bidding on the wrong lot at a New York Auctioneers and Appraisers auction.

7Pema Auctioneers & Associates ARIZONA 2018 FilmFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Pema Auctioneers & Associates
Auction house sign in front yard of a house in Harding, Arizona during the houses for sale montage.

8R.J. Holstein & Sons SMALLVILLE 2001 TV SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

R.J. Holstein & Sons
Auctioneers handling the Kent Farm foreclosure auction, before Lex saves the day and buys the farm.

9Rutherford's HUDSON HAWK 1991 FilmFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Auction house.

10Shipley'sTENET 2020 FilmFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Auction house where Andrei Sator's wife Katherine Barton, oldest of Sir Frederick Barton, works and met Sator.

11Southfield's LOST 2004 TV SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Auction house where Charles Widmore purchases the journal of the Black Rock's first mate, which was discovered among the artifacts of pirates on Sainte Marie seven years after she was lost at sea.

12Springfield Auction House THE SIMPSONS 1989 Animated SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Springfield Auction House
Auction house Bart visits when he skips school - he buys a painting for $2.3 million. "Formerly Vacant Lot"

13Staadgi & Staadgi Auctioneers FUTURAMA 1999 Animated SeriesFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Staadgi & Staadgi Auctioneers
After discovering he is a billionaire, Fry buys Ted Danson's skeleton and an old can of fish.

14Weatherbys Auction HouseBREWSTER'S MILLIONS 1985 FilmFinancial CompaniesAuction Houses

Weatherbys Auction House

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